I had told R about my navy showers/water saving antics a while back and in response he engineered this:

This seeminly inocuous assortment of tubes and wires is a homemade pump system. R+J's shower is now a resevoir for water, they've put the stopper in and take showers with slightly cold feet. Instead of going down the drain, the grey water is used for flushing toilets and washing laundry.
To do this, R simply bought a pump, which activates upon being dropped into the shower water. It then pumps water out of the shower and through the clear tube. The clear tube can be connected to either the low flush toilet toilet (shown below) or the washing machine. Not too shabby for <$20! And the tube usually stays connected to the toilet because it has it's own resevoir. As a low flush toilet, the tank actually holds enough water for multiple flushes. Truly genius.
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