Some things that continued to happen this year, that I hope will keep happening. First, dating Pumpkin! Two years ago at Thanksgiving, I was recovering from a terribly broken heart. Last year, pumpkin was helping me put it back together. This year, it's full of love and for that I am truly thankful. Second, my family who has supported me through law school. I've really been blessed there. My uncle gave me lodging- despite our differences in cleanliness and standards of living. My parents for paying my way through the entire mess. My grandma for always giving 110% to help the family out.
This year's Thanksgiving was focused around sustainability. As such, I spent a long time researching turkeys. Free range, organic, family farm? Surprisingly difficult. But I'll elaborate on that later. For now, I'm thankful that both my sisters came home, my parents are home, my uncle came over, my grandma is here, and we trekked over to an old family friend's house to cook and eat, just like we always do. It's hilarious because only the "kids" (now pretty much all legal) cook. The adults, born on an island an ocean away, never had Thanksgiving growing up. Free of consumerism, filled with consumption, it's my favorite holiday of the year.
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