Here I am holding the world's largest baby. Take a moment and guess how old this little one is.
...No cheating...
...I'm waiting...
Five months. This baby is five months old and in the top 99 percentile in weight, height, and cuteness (numbers may be hyperbolized). After this morning of holding her in my admittedly, very tan arms, I felt chest pains like I was being crushed. But it was so worth it. Baby C is a delight in every way, I spent a lot of the weekend just watching her watch the world. Everything new and unusual. Every second changed. From smile to laugh and even cry, she was the highest form of entertainment.
Mad respect for the mommy's out there. Baby C required attention what seemed like 100% of the time. There were 4 of us and we just barely managed to feed the gal (not me), change the gal (not me), and check facebook (sometimes me).
A couple of months ago, some friends asked us to co-house with them. I've always been a fan of the idea. Not only is it more sustainable to share housing, but the workload can be spread over more people. In our little community with our little one bedroom apartments, we each need to pay a wi-fi bill, clean, make dinner, and generally try to be adults. The idea of getting to share some of this pain (and joy) makes being an adult seem less daunting and less isolating. After all, some weeks the only people I talk to are from work and L. When I see friends at parties, our conversations rarely reach past what we've been up to. And if I only cared about that, then I'd just check facebook and call it a day. Tell me your hopes and dreams. Tell me your fears and problems. Tell me...
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